Danish version:

Production facilities


Reproduction of eels

It has not yet been possible to make reproduction of the European eel in captivity. It is one of the few mysteries that the mankind has not yet been able to solve and one of the things that make the eel to something special.

Therefore are we very proud that DTU Aqua – The National Institute of aquatic Resources which is a part of the Technical University of Denmark in co-operation with the Danish Eel Producer Association have chosen to a establish their research and experiment facilities with us.

Eel production at Lyksvad

Lyksvad fish farm has since 1991 breed European Eel (Anguilla Anguilla). We have an annual production on about 250 tons. The majority of the eels are exported to Holland and Italy but we also sell some to release around in the nature in Denmark and Germany.

Our production of eels is based on fry caught in the rivers along the European west cost. They are transported to Lyksvad where the eels typical are breed for 2 to 4 years before they are sold to particular fish factories in Holland and Italy who makes the eels ready for eating.

We are in corporation with our partners able to delver and transport our alive eels to the most part of the world. In Europe the transportation will be by modern trucks but we will also be able to transport to the rest of the world by airplane.

Are you or your company interested in buying living eel of the best quality from our farm, please do not hesitate to contact us for information about prices and delivery conditions.

The normal delivery sizes are:

  • Release eels in size 1 gram to 40 gram
  • Grown up eels that is ready to eat in size 100- 160 gram, 160- 260 gram and 300- 500 gram.

Opdatet 2 August 2014


On Stock now:

  • Russian sturgeons (10-150 cm)
  • Beluga sturgeons (60 - 160 cm)

  • Eels (15 - 600 gr.)

  • Pike perch (500 - 900 gr.)

    More information contact:


Lyksvad Fiskefarm K/S & Lyksvad Fiskekultur ApS -
Address: Ødis Krogevej 4, 6580 Vamdrup, Denmark.
Telephone: + 45 75 59 84 33 - E-mail: