Danish version:

Production facilities

Production facilities

Our production facilities are designed after the most modern principles in the science of re-circulated plans for farming fish and on substantial aqua culture know-how in Denmark.
Our actual capacity consists of 90 tanks on an indoor area of 1200 m2 with the following production lines:

  • 1 plant for making fry
  • 4 lines for farming on-growing glass-eels and fingerlings
  • 4 lines for farming on-growing fish
  • 1 line for fish graded for delivery
  • 1 research plant with research facilities disposal to DTU

The plants:

All our plans are re-circulated plans which mean that almost all the water used in the tanks are being cleaned by a water treatment plant and reused in the tanks. The water used in the tanks is subsoil water which is clean drinking water from our own drilling. The little waste water is used as fertilizer on farming land.

When the water has left the tanks it is lead back to the water treatment plant. First step in the purification process is a mechanical purification in a drum filter. The particles are retained on the inside of the drum filter and will be removed by a set of nozzles, which have been installed above the drum. The sludge is lead away from the plant. After mechanical purification the water is lead through a set of air diffusers for removal of CO2. The water is then pumped to the biofilter for biological purification. The purification takes place over a submerged filter and afterwards over a trickling filter. Some of the water is lead through a denitrification filter. Finally, the water is passing an UV filter. Before the water is lead back to the fish tanks, it is pumped over an oxygen cone, where oxygen is added to the water. The oxygen supply is controlled automatically by sensors and an emergency oxygenation will supply the individual tanks, if the supply is in-sufficient. The plant is equipped with alarm systems to secure that all failures will be detected and corrected properly. A monitoring system for supply of food and control of growth is also put into action.

Opdatet 2 August 2014


On Stock now:

  • Russian sturgeons (10-150 cm)
  • Beluga sturgeons (60 - 160 cm)

  • Eels (15 - 600 gr.)

  • Pike perch (500 - 900 gr.)

    More information contact:


Lyksvad Fiskefarm K/S & Lyksvad Fiskekultur ApS -
Address: Ødis Krogevej 4, 6580 Vamdrup, Denmark.
Telephone: + 45 75 59 84 33 - E-mail: